Our favourite hypnobirthing Youtube videos...

"The videos gave me and my partner a practical idea of how it could look - a "we can do that" feeling which actually gave us the confidence to try out a homebirth; it really worked" Martina, Germany

Watch these powerful videos over and over again. Notice how these mothers instinctively move and breathe - and also how their birth partners assist. Allow these images, shapes and sounds to sink deep down and try them out yourself  (p.s. These are all pretty quiet... That's not to suggest that this is the 'best way' - making sounds and vocalisations to release is great too)

Maggie giving birth to her son at home...

Nancy's birth with baby Sid...

"I just think it's something that everyone that's pregnant should have the access to do. It's almost like going back to a very basic, primitive kind of childbirth. There's no 'tricks' in it. The words 'hypno birthing' make it sound maybe like something it's not, but it's basically reprogramming your brain not to be frightened of the whole process and to enjoy it... and to know that you can do it. That's the fundamental thing I found that really, really helped me. Within a few days after having Sid I really wanted to do it again because I'd enjoyed it so much! I wouldn't say it was easy, but it was quite close to it - it really was enjoyable." Nancy

Olya's birth with baby Anya Jean... 

"The whole reason for sharing this video clip was to show that birth doesn't have to be painful and dramatic. Not feeling pain doesn't mean not feeling anything at all. There was a whole lot of sensations and emotions going on, but none of that was pain. So my calm state was both the reason and the result of how this birth went" Olya 


Gemma, Northern Ireland...

"I was initially disappointed to have a caesarean due to baby being breech, however your course and particularly the positive caesarean birth preparation audio helped me to stay calm and enjoy a beautiful birth experience. I went into labour spontaneously and reached 6cm before going ahead with the caesarean as baby didn't turn during labour. My husband and the midwives all remarked on how serene and happy I was throughout, despite having very regular and strong contractions and being nervous about the operation. I have also been successful with breastfeeding and feel this is down to how calm and happy I felt after Jonah's birth. Thank you for your wonderful course" Gemma

Chireal giving birth to her twin daughters...

[Chireal chose to decline hospital induction at 38 weeks, usually advised for twins]. "I gave birth to my twin daughters without any pain. I knew when a contraction was coming so I just focused on the techniques and relaxation and what's happening to my body, and when the contraction is over then I come back and I'm fine and relaxed and happy. I was totally calm. It was the most amazing experience, it was beautiful. I didn't want any pain relief even though the midwives kept asking if I wanted gas and air. I was able to relax and enjoy what was happening and watch my babies come out, whereas I think if women focus on the pain, they miss the whole thing". Chireal

Susy's birth with Daisy...

"This is my second hypnobirth, but first homebirth. I filmed the birth as I wanted to show women that birth can be, calm, relaxed and enjoyable. Please believe in your bodies and your babies - it really is possible!!"  Susy

More positive birth videos...


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