Eleanor's long birth with hypnobirthing
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Congratulations Eleanor and family!
"Just to say thank you for your fantastic online hypnobirthing course. I practiced regularly from 21 weeks into my pregnancy and it was invaluable to staying calm during my long labour.
When I was growing up, almost everything painful was compared to childbirth as a kind of benchmark. So although my mum was very positive about it, saying that the body just does what it needs to instinctively, I always rather dreaded birth.
My main fear approaching my own labour was that I would lose control emotionally and say terrible things to my husband in the heat of the moment, which he would find very upsetting and which I would regret as soon as labour was over. I also had real doubts about my physical ability to maintain the stamina required for labour and the natural delivery that I wanted, and my mental resilience to handle the pain, as I've always regarded myself as a wimp with a low pain threshold.
Having done your superb online course, all my worries were completely unfounded. My labour started on Saturday night and our little daughter Amara Lily arrived 60 hours later on Tuesday morning weighing 7lbs 10oz, with a natural delivery using only a TENS machine and gas and air.
I managed to stay focused and calm throughout, in spite of a period of back to back labour before she managed to rotate for delivery. I arrived at the hospital already 7cm, having been able to remain at home due to my hypnobirthing. I really think I was able to find the strength to deliver her naturally by believing in myself and trusting my body, all embedded during my practice of your course.
I never once lost my temper with my husband and he saw a strength and determination in me that he hadn't seen before, and which I didn't know I had.
Thank you so much for helping me to believe in myself and have such a positive experience"