Optimising the birth environment...
If all is well, we tend to birth best when we feel safe and secure: familiar, quiet, private, comfy, warm and dimly-lit. Wherever you expect to give birth, plan a fully transportable 'birth bubble'. Try to visit your local unit to familiarise yourselves with the space and ask questions, even (especially) if you're planning a homebirth.
"Early and then active labour was at home in our bedroom... The cat got into the wardrobe and noisily insisted that I joined her - she made a nest to deliver my kittens (!!) I smile so much when I think of it" Rae, Cornwall
Hospital birth...
- Bring your birth plan
- Make the space YOURS
- Bring a familiar blanket & pillow
- Play your affirmations or music
- Essential oils
- Turn off most lights
- Bring your birthing ball
- Use an eye mask
- Consider fairy lights!
- No need to wear a hospital gown
- Have your birth plan available
- Play your affirmations or music
- Essential oils
- Turn off most lights
- Keep the space warm, dark & quiet
- Set up a comfy 'midwives station' in another room so they can pop in and out
Birth in theatre...
- Discuss how your birth plan can be met
- Consider IV in non-dominant arm
- Gown and leads placed for skin-to-skin
- Play your own music
- Birth partner to wear your essential oils
- Skin-to-skin with baby asap
- Use familiar blanket in recovery